Space Shooter Game in HTML,CSS and JavaScript (Source code)

Space Shooter Game is a simple game developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This game currently has 10 levels but you can change it as you want. Code easily expandable. You can also able to change the ships and bullets. In the download file you will see multiple ships and bullets etc. You can download the source code of this game from below this blog.
How to play Space Shooter Game?
You can play it after downloading the source code by just opening the main HTML file or you can play it live here live.
- Download the Repository: Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
git clone
- Open the Game: Navigate to the project directory and open the
file in your web browser to start playing.
- Change Levels: Modify the levels by editing the JavaScript file. You can add more levels or adjust the difficulty of existing ones.
- Change Ships and Bullets: Use the assets provided in the resources/PNG and resources/Backgrounds directories to change the appearance of the game. Simply replace the existing files or add new ones, and update the references in the JavaScript code.
In this blog, we have explored how to download the source code of Space Shooter Game in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Thanks for reading this blog. Hit Subscribe button on my YouTube channel. It will help me to create more content like this.
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